Board critical of shark nets move

The Saddle Hill Community Board wants the Dunedin City Council to consult it and the community on its decision to remove shark nets from Dunedin beaches.

The board voted unanimously on chairman Keith McFadyen's motion to "request that council reconsider and review its decision to remove shark nets at Brighton, allowing for community and board consultation", at its meeting this week.

"I don't feel comfortable with the decision to remove the shark nets. I don't feel there has been enough consultation to allow for a decision to be made," Mr McFadyen said.

The council voted in favour of removing the nets during annual plan deliberations last month.

The decision came after public submissions called for their removal on the grounds of the negative environmental impact they had on other marine wildlife, and their ineffectiveness at preventing sharks coming near the shore at swimming beaches.

The council would save $38,000 a year by not placing the 100m-long nets at St Kilda, St Clair and Brighton Beaches each summer.

However, the council was yet to sign off on the annual plan and, as the only community board which would be affected by their removal, the Saddle Hill board felt further consultation was required.

Board member Scott Weatherall said it would be interesting to see the research which led councillors to their decision.

"Brighton has the highest incidents of sharks caught. I know that from talking to the contractor," he said.

The board intended to inform council of its view at a public forum this month.

Strategy and development general manager Sue Bidrose believed there was still time for the council to act on the motion.



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