Year 9
Commended: Nicolas Cairns (PE); Caelyx Calagos (English, technology — soft materials); Levi Carstens (social sciences); Emily Cobby (French, technology — soft materials); Jackson Cotton (German); Pania Cullen (digital technologies, te reo Maori); Kaya Howes (art, PE); Jourdyn Hughes (technology — soft materials); Reuben Jones (German); Lyric Komene (drama, te reo Maori); Anna Leslie (performing arts); Isabella Mansell (digital technologies, PE and health); Jack Martin (PE and health, performing arts); Joshua North (PE, social sciences); Sophie Pomeroy (digital technologies); Rebecca Ralston (technology — soft materials); Travis Roderique (maths, social sciences); Rebecca Rodger (art, te reo Maori); Nicholas Ross (te reo Maori, social sciences); William Rowntree (digital technologies); Hunter Scott (social sciences); Ava Smith (social sciences); Thai Spence (digital technologies); Dylan Stringer (maths, music); Callum Turner (digital technologies); Henry Weastell (digital technologies, German)
Highly commended: Jessica Abernethy (distinction French, commended social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, technology — soft materials); George Abbott (commended digital technologies, English, te reo Maori, maths, performing arts, PE, science, technology — soft materials); Clare Ablett (commended digital technologies, te reo Maori, technology — food and nutrition); Tayla Ashton (distinction drama, health, commended Chinese, English, te reo Maori, technology — food and nutrition); Obi Barron (distinction English, French, social sciences, commended science); Benjamin Bevin (distinction design and visual communication, commended art, digital technologies, health, PE, science, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition); Henry Buck (commended Chinese, digital technologies, English, German, health, maths, PE, science, social sciences); Timothy Birchall (commended drama, digital technologies, performing arts, science, technology — food and nutrition); Marli Bliss (distinction drama, health, commended Chinese, English, maths, music, performing arts, PE, science, social sciences); Riley Bridgman (commended art, maths, science); Nina Burns (distinction art, commended Chinese, English, German, health, maths, performing arts); Hayden Carr (commended digital technologies, maths, PE, science, social sciences); Archie Connolly (distinction art, science, social sciences, commended Chinese, French, health, maths, performing arts); Lincoln Crawford (commended Chinese, drama, digital technologies, maths, science); Miller Crooks (commended digital technologies, English, te reo Maori, maths, PE); Jaime Ellis (commended Chinese, French, health, maths, PE, science, technology — soft materials); Taya Fairley-Smith (commended Chinese, digital technologies, health, maths, performing arts, PE, science); Maisy Flynn (commended German, maths, PE, science, technology — food and nutrition); Brook Ford-Squires (commended Chinese, French, technology — soft materials); Emily Franklyn (commended English, German, science); Taylor Garmonsway (commended digital technologies, English, te reo Maori, maths, social sciences); Grace Gemmell (distinction German, performing arts, commended drama, digital technologies, English, health, te reo Maori, music, PE, social sciences); Callum Gilfedder (distinction drama, commended digital technologies, health, PE); Christopher Gray (distinction German, maths, commended science); Charlie Haig (commended art, Chinese, German, health, science, technology — soft materials); Matthew Hammond (distinction digital technologies, commended French, maths, science, technology — soft materials); Tristan Harrex (distinction te reo Maori, commended German, maths, PE, science); Hazel Hockey (distinction art, commended English, French, health, te reo Maori, maths, PE, science, social sciences, technology — soft materials); Maisie Hulls (distinction English, commended art, French, te reo Maori, maths, music, science, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, technology — soft materials); Lily Jones (distinction drama, commended art, digital technologies, English, German, health, maths, music, science, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, technology — soft materials); Joshua Knowles (distinction digital technologies, commended art, te reo Maori); Margot Latton (distinction French, commended drama, health, science, social sciences); Cassandra Lyons (commended art, English, maths, PE, social sciences); Zachary McCombie (distinction maths, PE, commended digital technologies, performing arts); Lucy McDermott (distinction drama, PE, commended art, digital technologies, English, French, German, health, maths, music, science, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, technology — soft materials); Hain McDougall (commended digital technologies, English, French, maths, social sciences); Riley McKinlay (distinction digital technologies, PE, commended maths); Jasmine McPherson (commended art, drama, digital technologies, English, French, maths, performing arts, science, social sciences); Caitlin Mitchell (distinction Chinese, performing arts, commended digital technologies, health, maths, PE, science, technology — food and nutrition, technology — soft materials); Alisa Nedyhalova (commended English, German, maths, PE, technology — soft materials); Lily O'Callaghan (commended art, German, maths, performing arts, technology — soft materials); Sophia Owers (commended digital technologies, performing arts, social sciences); Joshua Pearce (commended digital technologies, English, maths, performing arts, science, social sciences); Huria Pokipoki-Morunga (distinction health, technology — food and nutrition, commended art, digital technologies, English, German, te reo Maori, PE, science, social sciences); Joaquin Putra (commended digital technologies, maths, science); Ciara Renton (commended Chinese, digital technologies, German, maths); Katherine Robinson (distinction technology — hard materials, technology — food and nutrition, commended art, digital technologies, English, German, maths, PE, science, social sciences, technology — soft materials); Corbin Ross (commended drama, digital technologies, maths); Lucian Sheehan (commended drama, digital technologies, design and visual communication, English, music, PE, science); Samantha Sherriff (distinction English, science, commended Chinese, digital technologies, French, maths, social sciences); Samuel Stuut (commended French, health, social sciences); Cooper Tangney (commended Chinese, digital technologies, te reo Maori); Dominic Taylor (commended digital technologies, health, PE); Freja Thatcher (distinction health, performing arts, commended art, digital technologies, English, German, te reo Maori, maths, social sciences); Asher Thorn (commended digital technologies, English, health, maths, PE); Keisuke Tomita (distinction performing arts, commended social sciences); Lucy van Heezik (distinction art, PE, science, commended English, French, German, health, maths, music, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, technology — soft materials); Riley Verhoef (commended drama, digital technologies, PE); Megan Waayer (distinction health, PE, commended drama, digital technologies, English, French, te reo Maori, maths, science, social sciences, technology — soft materials); Harriet Walton (distinction drama, commended digital technologies, German, maths, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition); Emma Whiles-Humphreys (commended Chinese, English, French, health, maths, PE, science, social sciences, technology — soft materials); Yuta Wibowo (distinction Chinese, German, commended health, maths, PE, science, technology — soft materials); Arron-Jade Williams (commended Chinese, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition); Charlotte Williams (distinction art, commended digital technologies, health, te reo Maori, maths, PE, science, technology — soft materials); Kira Woodason (distinction art, drama, commended English, health, te reo Maori, PE, science, technology — food and nutrition, art cup).
General excellence: Felix Culling (distinction art, French, health, maths, PE, social sciences, technology — hard materials, technology — soft materials, commended drama, digital technologies, English, te reo Maori, science, technology — food and nutrition, PE and health cup); Elliot Donaldson (distinction English, French, maths, social sciences, commended digital technologies, science, technology — soft materials); Benjamin Egan (distinction Chinese, digital technologies, English, health, maths, science, social sciences, commended te reo Maori, music, performing arts, PE, technology — soft materials); Anika Franklyn (distinction German, te reo Maori, PE, science, commended art, English, health, maths, music, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, technology — soft materials); Alexander Hattrell (distinction digital technologies, German, health, PE, science, social sciences, commended English, performing arts); Eleanor Jenks (distinction English, French, health, te reo Maori, maths, PE, science, social sciences, technology — hard materials, technology — soft materials, commended art, drama, digital technologies, music, performing arts, social sciences cup, writing in year 9 social sciences cup); Esme Liesbeth Blaker (distinction art, English, German, te reo Maori, maths, performing arts, PE, science, social sciences, technology — hard materials, commended drama, digital technologies, health, music, technology — soft materials); Zoey Mathewson (distinction art, English, German, health, technology — hard materials, technology — soft materials, commended drama, digital technologies, French, maths, music, performing arts, PE, science, social sciences); Reagan Miller (distinction English, maths, PE, science, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, commended drama, digital technologies, technology — hard materials); Gemma Pickering (distinction drama, English, French, health, te reo Maori, music, PE, science, social sciences, commended art, digital technologies, maths, year 9 speech prize); Nuku Ritchie (distinction digital technologies, design and visual communication, English, health, te reo Maori, maths, performing arts, science, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, commended drama, French, music, PE); Isabella Ross (distinction design and visual communication, English, maths, technology — food and nutrition, commended Chinese, German, health, music, PE, science, social sciences, technology — soft materials); Jack Van Baalen (distinction design and visual communication, English, French, te reo Maori, maths, PE, science, social sciences, technology — food and nutrition, commended technology — soft materials); Archie Vorgers (distinction drama, digital technologies, maths, PE, science, social sciences, technology — soft materials, commended English, French, German, music, technology — food and nutrition).
Year 10
Commended: Evie Beattie (health); Lucy Bjorksten (German); Taylor Brown (English, maths); Hayden Buckley (PE); Brayden Bunting (performing arts, technology — food); Jayden Campbell (Chinese); Maiya Campbell (performing arts); Nick Coombe (science); Phoebe Dagg (social sciences); Davina Du Cox (PE, science); Gracie-Lee Fuller (maths, performing arts); Jadea Houston (PE); Kelly Hua (Chinese, maths); Arlo Hughes (performing arts); Mekalo Jackson (science); Lucas MacLeod (enterprise studies, te reo Maori); Violet McLennan (performing arts, science); Mila Meecham (health, science); Nikyia Ngahooro (science); Dylan Nisbet (maths, PE); Grier Parata (health); Taylor Shanks (maths, science); Dayton Taiala (maths); Nicholas Taylor (technology); Rohan Tennant (PE); Nathan Unsworth (enterprise studies); Celia Wild (maths); Jessy Wilson (te reo Maori); Sarah Wink (art); Destiny Wolland (technology — textiles).
Highly commended: Teagan Abernethy (commended health, maths, science); Tayla Annan (commended art, English, health, PE); Fergus Barrons (distinction enterprise studies, commended English, maths); Holly Boyce (distinction performing arts, commended English); Poppy Braithwaite (distinction English, health, commended art, maths, performing arts, science, social sciences); Jonte Burnard (distinction PE, commended health, maths, science); Azra Cakmak (commended English, health, maths); Fynn Campbell (distinction performing arts, commended maths, science); Temple Chirnside (distinction performing arts, commended health, maths, science, social sciences); Emily-Rose Cochrane (distinction health, commended performing arts, science); Joudi Dibo (distinction Chinese, commended French, maths, science, social sciences); Sophie Farrar (commended French, health, maths, science, technology — textiles); Abigail Gilfedder (distinction health, technology — textiles, commended maths, science, social sciences); Isaac Hamilton (distinction maths, commended science, social sciences); Zander Jacobs (commended digital technologies, German, maths); Logan Kapo (distinction PE, commended health, science, technology); Ashley King (distinction performing arts, commended social sciences); Jemma Love (distinction enterprise studies, commended English, performing arts, science, social sciences); Mia Manuel (distinction English, performing arts, commended French, health, maths, science, social sciences); Angelique May (commended English, music, performing arts, PE, science); Xanthe McCabe (commended PE, social sciences, technology — food, technology — textiles); Jessica McLellan (commended English, maths, science, technology); Georgia Mihalek (commended art, health, maths, science, technology — food, technology — textiles); Tui Moore (distinction art, PE, commended English, health, maths, performing arts, science); Travis Nevell (distinction English, commended art); Nur Aydean Noradzmudin (distinction PE, science, commended English, enterprise studies, maths, social sciences); Fay O'Neill (commended English, health, maths); Jake Patterson (commended health, music, PE, science); Sophie Patterson (commended art, Chinese, English, health, maths); Matthew Pearce (commended English, performing arts, PE, science); Youssef Salem (distinction English, commended maths, social sciences); Max Schafer (distinction PE, commended art, maths); Alexander Smith (distinction English, commended maths); Tiarekura Tangimetua (distinction te reo Maori, commended enterprise studies, health, maths, PE, science, technology — textiles); Daniel Thompson-Knapp (distinction maths); Louis Valentine (commended English, maths, performing arts, social sciences); Eben Wagner (distinction maths, science); Jazelle Watson (commended art, Chinese, English, health, maths, science); Katie Watt (commended art, health, science); Jonathan Wheeler (distinction maths, science, commended enterprise studies); Lucy Wilson (distinction art, PE, commended English, health, maths, science, technology — textiles); Makayla Wilson (commended maths, science, social sciences, technology); Maddison Winslade (commended English, te reo Maori, maths, science, technology — food); Kate Woodley (distinction health, PE, commended art, English, maths, music, science, social sciences).
General excellence: Julia Anderson (distinction art, health, maths, performing arts, science, social sciences, commended English, technology — textiles, art cup overall top junior artist); Jessica Bradley (distinction art, English, social sciences, commended science, technology — textiles); Elijah Campbell (distinction maths, performing arts, science, social sciences, commended English, French, PE); Matthew Davies (distinction enterprise studies, maths, science); Olivia Duffy (distinction Chinese, health, maths, performing arts, PE, science, social sciences, commended English, technology); Jack Flanagan (distinction art, health, PE, commended English, enterprise studies, science); Jorlin Gan (distinction English, maths, PE, science, commended Chinese, digital technologies, health, social sciences, social sciences cup, writing in year 10 social sciences cup); Kyla Glover (distinction health, maths, PE, commended science, technology - food, technology — textiles); Tahlia Jones (distinction English, science, technology — textiles, commended health, maths, year 10 speech prize); Dimitri Latton (distinction English, health, maths, science, commended music, PE); An-Jhuo Lee (distinction digital technologies, English, health, maths, music, PE, science, social sciences, chambers cup for junior maths, PE and health cup); Helen Li (distinction English, French, health, maths, performing arts, science, social sciences, oral language in the junior school trophy); Luca McAliece (distinction English, health, science); Ella Rowe (distinction art, English, health, PE, science, commended maths, social sciences, technology — textiles, art cup); Samuel Stoddart (distinction health, te reo Maori, PE, commended English, enterprise studies, maths, spoken te reo in the junior school kararuwai trophy); Sophia van Heezik (distinction English, health, maths, PE, science, commended social sciences, technology — food, technology — textiles).
Special awards
Tayla Annan (outdoor education cup); Eleanor Jenks (year 9 academic cup, jubilee award for year 9 best all-round performance); Dimitri Latton (poho kereru trophy for highest academic performance by a Maori student — junior school); An-Jhuo Lee (year 10 academic cup); Nuku Ritchie (jubilee award for year 9 best all-round performance ); Samuel Stoddart (jubilee award for year 10 best all-round performance); Sophia van Heezik (jubilee award for year 10 best all-round performance).