A Dunedin bakery has been baking black sourdough loaves, which it supplies to four cafes, and donating 100% of the sales to Black Lives Matter.
Jed McCammon, who is the owner and head chef at Body of the Year bakery, said it was a way his company could ‘‘support the protests and ongoing fight for race equality’’ and keep the movement at the front of people’s minds.
‘‘I was just watching what was happening and listening to people and thought this is something I want to be able to do something for.’’
Mr McCammon had a week off work last week, after staying open and busy throughout the pandemic.
He said he spent that time speaking to people who ‘‘shed light’’ on the experience of being a black person in a world that had systematic racism, and the idea to bake charcoal bread had stemmed from wanting to donate.
The baker had put charcoal into his bread before, so he was confident it would come out well, and he saw it as an opportunity to increase the donation amount.
‘‘It was something I could do ... that could help make a difference.’’
What about little lives matter?
For the kiwi kids that die at the hands of family members?
But no, you'll give money to some other countries cause that has nothing to do with us and we could have no effect on.
Shame on you
Racism is not only a US problem! Have you really already forgotten what happened here last year on March 15? The black lives matter movement has started in the US but is is spreading very quickly around the world as racism is a global problem and has to be dealt with everywhere. Your whataboutism won't get us anywhere. There are always other problems but shaming people who get up and do something, no matter what it is, is really just sick. Maybe you want to enlighten us what the order of urgency is in your opinion and how many problems have to be completely solved first before someone is allowed to collect money for campaigns against racism?
Yes, racism is a worldwide problem perpetuated by a left wing compliant media and social media community.
My problem is that charity starts at home. Get our own house in order before we worry about other countries, yes it may seem introverted, but how can we complain when our own patch is no better.
Only when we are better, can we have the moral high ground to help others see the correct path.
Blinkering yourself to the problems in this country is just pathetic.
Oh, and enlighten yourself with statistics from the USA stats show that more whites are killed by blacks than the other way around. Black on black, and white on white are their highest figures.
Or the fact more blacks are killed by black cops than white cops.
And for political leanings, the places with the worst racism in their systems are ones run by democrats (the left in NZ terms).
You care to enlighten me on anything I haven't covered?
Or are inconvenient facts not relevant in your closed-mind world view?
Sure Lisa, not a problem, here is a list of urgent problems that need to be solved here in New Zealand. How about the economy? How about unemployment? How about the housing shortage? How about the cost of housing? How about better healthcare? How about better hospitals? How about poverty and inequality? Hey Lisa, charity starts at home, how about solving the racial issues people of color face here in NZ? Or the racism the Maori face? What's sick is people like yourself have no idea what you are talking about! BLM is a political entity; in essence a "shell company"; that funnels donations to a superpac called “ACT BLUE”. ACT BLUE donates hundreds of millions of these BLM donations to Democrats running for President in the US. Look up the stats on blacks killed by the police in the US: in 2019, 370 whites were killed, 235 blacks, and 158 Hispanics. Of the 235 blacks killed, only 10 were not carrying weapons. 10 black people were killed under questionable circumstances. Yep...way too many but not the rampant violent, racist attacks portrayed by the media. Are you being shamed? Yes you are! Do a little research before you are dupped into supporting something overseas, help here first !
How did so many dense people end up in New Zealand? All the do gooders are doing is financing the democratic party for the next election. Yep...go to the BLM web page and click the donate button. That link takes you to another web site called Act Blue. Act Blue is a Democratic Party fundraiser. Don't believe me? Scroll down and see your selection for donations. Bidden, Harris, Yang, Bernnie etc...nothing for BLM. You've been duped. What's worse is it's illegal as forigeners to donate money to any US election. Your breaking the law. Charity starts at home. Wouldn't you rather spend your money here helping fellow citizens rather than illegally try and influence the outcome of a foreign election? It's a no brainier even for do gooders like yourself. Get a clue... charity starts at home!
A siloed view. The world is global.
Someone does something positive and it's negated.