$400,000 playground revamp complete

The new Waihola playground. PHOTOS: GERARD O’BRIEN
The new Waihola playground. PHOTOS: GERARD O’BRIEN
Four years of working with all hands on deck has ended with smooth sailing.

Construction of a new steamboat-shaped playground in Waihola has concluded.

The $400,000 redevelopment is the result of tireless efforts by volunteers to revamp the beloved site.

In classic New Zealand fashion, a commemorative sausage sizzle was decreed yesterday to mark the completion of the playground.

Waihola Looking Forward community group chairman Grant McDonnell said the project could not have been done without the huge community initiative.

A lot of manpower had gone on behind the scenes and many working bees had been needed.

The playground came equipped with a custom design that resembled a steamboat.

Charlie Turner (1½) skippers the 'Betsy Douglas', the steamboat that forms the new playground in...
Charlie Turner (1½) skippers the 'Betsy Douglas', the steamboat that forms the new playground in Waihola.
Mr McDonnell said the Betsy Douglas was a steamboat that transported gold miners across Lake Waihola more than 100 years ago.

The playground paid homage to this and incorporated the history of the area.

It had already been given the seal of approval by the children who test-drove the vessel.

Mr McDonnell, who grew up in Waihola and was accustomed to the old playground as a child, was grateful to come back and invest in the final product.

The new playground would be an asset for the Waihola community.

"It’s an awesome thing that’s been accomplished. It was definitely due for an upgrade.

"To be able to come in and bring state-of-the-art facilities and playground equipment is just amazing."

Ōtākou Runaka mana whenua representative Tumai Cassidy and Balclutha Mayor Bryan Cadogan both made appearances to say a few words.

tim.scott@odt.co.nz , Tim Scott, PIJF cadet reporter


