The short film Milk tells the story of two German U-boat officers who come ashore on the Otago coast during World War 2, to gather fresh milk. While there, they are discovered by the widow of a man who has been killed fighting in Europe.
Producer Stefan Roesch said while the story of the U-boat patrolling off the east of New Zealand was factual, the story of the men seeking milk was a myth which the film would bring to life. Mr Roesch’s wife Pennie Hunt is the writer and director of the film.
The pair wanted to create a film with strong New Zealand and German connections.
"I won’t give away too much of the story but it’s a film about what happens when mortal enemies come face-to-face and what they discover about each other."
The couple, who are from Port Chalmers, hoped to start work on a feature film if Milk was well received, he said.
About 20 people were involved in the filming, including two German actors, Peter Volksdorf and Mike Hoffmann.
The film is being funded by Short Film Otago and was supported by the Queenstown Camera Company, the Dunedin City Council, Film Otago Southland, Rainbow Paints, Elm Wildlife Tours, Covermarq and Four Square Port Chalmers.