Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones announced today The Rakiura Oneki Southern Wildnerness Experience would be granted a $1.23 million loan and a $950,000 grant as part of a nationwide $18.8 million initiative.
A government press release said the money would be used to develop visitor infrastructure, including building tracks and shelters, a predator-proof fence, a new wharf and a building.
Mr Jones said 30 jobs would be created in Southland as a result of the money.
"As part of the PGF reset we are investing in projects that grow Maori firms and Maori assets in sectors that will be core to the economic rebuild.
"The funding announced today will help these Maori Trusts and businesses to diversify, develop capabilities and create job opportunities within their communities. Many of these groups would not have received funding from commercial sources as their assets are on collectively owned Maori land.
Other project areas were; Northland, Bay of Plenty, Tairawhiti and Manawatū-Whanganui.