Mastering the art of weaving

Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Bronwyn Lowe weaves pingao (sedge grass) into a small kete at the University of Otago's Summer School Raranga Kete Whakairo course this week.

Lecturer Roka Cameron said the course aimed to teach students the intricate weaving technique of mahi kete whakairo (construction or making of woven kits).

Developing the art of creating a kete whakairo was also about understanding the patterns and materials used in the construction of kete whakairo.

Eight students were taking part with each constructing kete for their own uses, from carrying laptops to wedding rings to shopping.

Ms Lowe said it was a long process involving harvesting the material, grading it, softening it, grading it again and then choosing the pattern, all before weaving began.

It had taken about three weeks for the students to make one kete, she said.


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