What was the best birthday present you ever received, and why?
Last year, I meet my girlfriend Hayley at a concert while out for my birthday. It's a bit cheesy, but she's the best thing to ever happen to me. She is my first love!
What smell do you find irresistible?
I love the smell of food on the barbecue - fried chicken or a seared steak - the smell is immense. I'm hungry now just thinking about it.
If you were going to an island and could take only three things, what would they be and why?
My iPod for some tunes to keep me entertained and relaxed. A mirror, as my motto is "Look good, feel good''. I'm into fashion and trying new styles, so I'd need a mirror. And my girlfriend Hayley, so I'd have somebody amazing to share the experience with.
What's something only your family knows about you?
As a young kid, for a couple of years I had an imaginary friend called Larry. I blame it on a lonely rural upbringing in Limerick!
You are a new addition to the crayon box. What colour are you, and why?
It's got to be blonde, to match my new hairstyle. The bleached blonde look is making a comeback in 2019!