This is a special area and has been planted to display and showcase the wide variety of rhododendron hybrids bred in Dunedin by local nurserymen and rhododendron enthusiasts.
Maurice Skipworth (superintendent of reserves 1940-67) and Robert Balch were both keen rhododendron breeders doing much of this work in their spare time. They used this area as a trial bed and growing-on area for their seedlings.
Unsurprisingly, Rhododendron "Robert Balch" is planted here. This hybrid is a cross between Rhododendron arboreum subsp. zeylanicum and Rhododendron elliottii, flowering mid-season with glossy green leaves and bright-red trusses of flowers.
Over time every garden needs a bit of TLC and Balch’s Island is no different. Low over-hanging branches have been lifted and the surrounding paths resurfaced and there have been some new plantings. The upgrading does not stop here. There are plans to add to the under-plantings and to replace the rotting edging timber with rock — a much more permanent solution.
Our most recent plantings include R. "Lovelock", R. "Stonelaw", R. "Alpine Meadow", R. "Blue Mist", R. "Birchfield", R. "Kotuku" and R. augustinii Medlicott form, all sourced from a Dunedin grower.
For a more intimate look around Balch’s Island and to view other rhododendrons in peak flowering, join us for the Rhododendron Day tour 10.30am on Sunday, October 20.
Garden life is produced by the Dunedin Botanic Garden.
For further information contact Stephanie Sinton.