It is the large, rounded leaves of Astilboides tabularis that make this herbaceous perennial so noteworthy and unique among garden plants. The bright green leaves resembling lily pads or...
The word wort is an old word simply meaning root, herb or plant. It faded from everyday use during the 17th century but is still incorporated in the common names of many plants today.
Tucked away in a sheltered spot of the Lindsay Creek border next to the Wolf Harris fountain there is an appealing combination of foliage and flowers on display.
A must have for every garden is the mock orange shrub, Philadelphus. A member of the hydrangea family Hydrangeaceae, there are 60 species and numerous garden origin hybrids and cultivars.
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, kahikatea or white pine — whichever of these names we are familiar with — was once abundant in swamplands, and lowland forests throughout New Zealand. However,...
The delightful shrub Prostanthera rotundifolia, also known as round-leaf mint bush, is a fast-growing southeastern Australia plant that in ideal conditions can reach up to 3m high.
While you may not have heard of euphorbias or the family Euphorbiaceae, it is quite likely you have seen one or more of these plants in their different shapes and forms in home gardens or...
Bergenia, or elephant’s ears as it’s often called, is an old-fashioned plant that seems to have been around forever and it’s likely you will find a patch flowering in many mature gardens.
As you walk along the pathway from the pedestrian entrance off Great King St in the Dunedin Botanic Garden there are two lush evergreen shrubs of Illicium majus with highly scented flowers.
Balch's Island is a garden bed just east of the "Cherry Walk", which is named after Robert Balch, a deputy director of the Dunedin Botanic Garden between 1946 and 1969.