Cheeky reds belie price points

A RRP (recommended retail price) is reached by adding a percentage mark-up to the "standard price" of a bottle of wine. This can be indicative of the final selling price when a retailer buys a few bottles or a case; however, lower-priced offerings are often purchased on promotional deals.

Buying five cases, a layer (14 cases), a half pallet (28 cases), a pallet (56 cases) and so on will make a significant impact on the cost price.

Consequently, I’ve seen all the $20-plus wines reviewed here selling for under $20, which makes them pretty smart drinking.

2017 d’Arenberg
The Stump Jump
Price: $17.99
Rating: Very good
Smoke, earth, stones, a little 
oak spice with berryfruit in 
reserve; a wisp of salinity 
later. Raspberry and 
berryfruit lead the 
medium-weight palate 
that starts off feeling light 
and airy but swells nicely 
as it adds smoke and 
meaty touches with 
nicely judged tannins. 
Easy, uncomplicated 
drinking that really hits 
the spot. Rather 
2017 Yalumba
Samuel’s Collection
Barossa GSM 
Price: $26.99
Rating: Very good to
Perfumed fragrance, playing 
in the raspberry/cherry 
spectrum before shifting to 
more savoury characters. 
Rounded, silky mouthfeel, 
richness and depth of 
flavour without overt 
weight. Chocolate, 
black tea, charry hints, 
sweetly fruited yet 
nicely balanced by 
savoury elements and 
fine tannins in support. 
Juicy and very 
appealing drinking.
2017 Grant Burge
Barossa Ink 
Price: $23.99
Rating: Very good
Bold nose full of plum, char 
and spices with fragrance 
building. Noticeably sweet 
on the front palate with 
liqueur fruits, fruit cordial 
and berry jam; the 
luscious, soft and slippery 
mouthfeel underlining the 
viscosity to this. Tangy 
berryfruit & raspberry with 
freshening acidity help to 
pare back the sweetness. 
Unabashedly a crowd 
pleasing style that will win 
a legion of fans.
2017 I Am George
Langhorne Creek
Price: $19.99
Rating: Excellent
Chocmint, blueberry, dark 
berries, a wisp of tilled earth. 
Ripe yet not overtly sweet 
with lovely depth of flavour, 
fine tannic grip, balancing 
acidity, and a long, coffee 
and spice accented dry 
finish. Time adds savoury 
nuances and a tangy 
undercurrent, showing its 
youthful side. This rises 
above its price point, 
offering real interest now, 
yet some potential too.
2017 Jacobs Creek
Double Barrel
Price: $23.99
Rating: Very good to
Juicy dark fruits, eucalypt, 
with evident volume on the 
nose. Dense and rich in the 
mouth, a raft of fruit 
sweetness at first, before 
moving to brooding dark 
fruits and spices. 
Structure in place here, 
flowing to a tea-leaf, 
smoke and char like 
close. Approachability for 
the neophyte drinker, yet 
lots of interest for the 
wine enthusiast too.
2016 Beresford
McLaren Vale
Price: $26.99
Rating: Very good to
Lushly perfumed nose, milk 
chocolate, mixed fruits. Time 
adds smoke and savoury 
elements. Depth of fruit 
here, yet matched by 
acidity giving a crisp 
brightness to the palate. 
Plum and fruitcake 
elements lead the way, a 
little eucalypt too with 
tanginess growing on the 
palate. Still youthful but 
already drinking rather 

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