My mother’s marmalade stores throughout the year and is used not only on warm toast but I use it to glaze hams, sneakily put it into desserts and even add it to carrots to give a citrus finish.
Serves/Makes 4 330g jars
3 large grapefruit, washed well
2 cups water
4 cups sugar
Peel the grapefruit and cut the inner white part of peel away leaving the rind. Cut the rind into slivers, about 3mm wide. Chop the fruit coarsely, reserving the juice.
Simmer the strips of rind, chopped fruit, reserved juice and 2 cups of water uncovered in a heavy non-reactive stockpot over medium-high heat for 10 minutes.
Pour into a large heatproof glass bowl and let stand, covered, in a cool place for 6 to 8 hours or overnight.
Sterilise the jars in boiling hot water and drain. Put the oven on to lowest temperature and turn the jars upside down and keep warm and clean in the oven until required (this will sterilise them).
Put the lids in a saucepan of water and bring to a simmer. Remove from the heat and set aside.
Return the fruit mixture to the stockpot. Add the sugar and place the pan over medium heat. You need to dissolve the sugar first, then get the mixture to a gentle rolling boil. Test the marmalade once the mixture becomes thick and syrupy (about 20 minutes).
When this stage is reached, carefully spoon out a little of the marmalade and put on a cold plate. Let cool and then run your finger through the middle.
It should stay parted, if not continue cooking until it does. Remove the pan from the heat, skim off the foam, and ladle the marmalade into sterilised jars, leaving a couple of centimetres headspace.
With clean, damp paper towels, wipe the jar rims and threads, place lids on the jars and screw on firmly but not too tight.
Let cool then tighten the seals. Label and keep out of direct sunlight.