RECIPE: White chocolate caramel macadamia slice

Suzanne Strinconi, of Shortblack Cafe in Oamaru, reveals the secret behind her white chocolate caramel macadamia slice.


280g self-raising flour
270g brown sugar
160g coconut
360g melted butter


2 tins condensed milk
150g butter
3 Tbsp golden syrup
3 Tbsp brown sugar
1 dsp cornflour
1/4 cup chopped macadamia nuts


Mix all together and press into lined tin.

Bake at 180degC until just golden, allow to cool before adding caramel.

Topping: melt together all the ingredients for the caramel then add nuts.

Pour over cooled base.

Bake again until caramel starts to bubble and is set.

To ice:

Melt carefully white chocolate melts in microwave and spread over caramel. Leave to set.

- Requested by Glenys Hill of Oamaru


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