Commissioner Update - February 2019

It is with a heavy heart that this month I dedicate my Better Health column to deputy commissioner Graham Crombie, who passed away last week.

There is much to pay tribute to.

Graham, along with Richard Thomson, was appointed deputy commissioner of Southern DHB in 2015. A chartered accountant by background, and it would be easy to assume Graham’s appointment was for his financial credentials, which was certainly an area of strength.

However Graham’s greater legacy was in building strong, high-performing organisations. And he knew that a positive and supportive culture is the quality upon which everything else is built.

This is why he both continued to champion the DHB’s Southern Future programme of work as chair of Southern Future Advisory Group, and lived these values in how he worked with people right across the community.

He was a believer in partnerships, and also worked regionally as the Chair of our South Island IS Alliance to help achieve a vision of integrating health information across the wider South Island health system.

Above all Graham was a man of heart, humour and integrity whose unflagging optimism stood us in great stead in even the toughest times. He will be greatly missed.

Farewell Graham, and on behalf of Southern DHB, thank you.

Graham Crombie
Graham Crombie


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