Status issues for Jon Snow (contains spoilers)

Jon Snow
Jon Snow
Jon Snow's reanimation from his status as a colander/corpse on Game of Thrones last week raises many legal, ethical and practical questions.

What legal status would any will he had drawn up before his death have?

If he was legally married at any point, will that marriage be annulled following his death, and will he have any responsibilities under marital legislation, such as it exists at the Night's Watch at Castle Black, now he is alive again?

What responsibilities will he have in terms of debt, and under commercial law, will he still be the director of any companies in which he had a stake?

Will any bankruptcy proceedings against him be nullified?

Does a reanimated corpse still have a valid driver's licence or does he have to sit the test again?

What about life insurance?

Does he get that?

What about tort law?

Also, does Jon Snow still know nothing, or does he now know some things?

We may have found out all the answers to this in last night's Game of Thrones (I'm writing to you from last Friday (which is quite sunny and nice - I hope it's good in your time zone)), but there are just so many questions I wonder if there was time to answer them all in one episode.

As all Game of Thrones (SoHo, Mondays at 1pm and 8.30pm) watchers will know, Jon Snow, a swarthy and very handsome fellow played by Kit Harington, is the bastard son of Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark of Winterfell.

Upon his father leaving for the South, Jon decided to join the Night's Watch, defending the Wall from the threats beyond.

Sadly, Ned Stark had his head chopped off, leaving Jon not just a bastard, but an orphan bastard, a very unfortunate state of affairs.

Anyway, after a series of ripping adventures with his pet direwolf Ghost and his Valyrian steel sword Longclaw, after he fell in love with a wildling woman, Ygritte, and after he was narrowly elected the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, he was stabbed repeatedly by a whole line-up of knife wielding fellows in the courtyard of Castle Black and left to die in the snow.

A day later, he was brought back to life by Melisandre, who is a very attractive young woman (despite being quite evil and a witch) as long as she keeps wearing that necklace.

So: will Jon Snow get to be the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch again posthumously?

Will he be able to get back together with Ygritte, who died in season something-or-other now both of them are dead?

If he dies again will they have a post postmortem?

I know what you're thinking - does he really watch a show with a storyline like that?

Yes he does.

Game of Thrones is just terrific television, and I make no apologies whatsoever.

Bring on next Monday.

- by D. Charles Loughrey

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