It is set in a world being split in two with the development of cybernectics and augmentation, leading to modifications to the human body that result in superhuman capabilities.
You play Adam Jensen, head of security for a leading cybernectics company. Left for dead after an attack on the building he was meant to protect, Adam has no choice but to become physically augmented with cybernectics.
Looking for answers, Adam makes choices and unravels a vast conspiracy determining the fate of humanity.
Deus Ex is a real mix of gameplay. It's a shooter mixed with stealth with a very deep role-playing-games element thrown in.
Choices play a big part in the way you create your play style, and by the choices you make during the story - be it guns blazing, ask questions later, or being a ghost and using stealth.
You can choose to stealth kill your enemies with your cybernectic blades, or just knock them out, your choice. Don't forget to loot the bodies as well. They could be holding that all-important code to unlock a nearby safe.
Deus Ex is a first-person shooter, but when you pop into cover you go to third person, which is great for navigating environments and getting the upper hand on your enemies, helping you get stealth kills. Stealth kills use energy bars, but once drained you will be able to use items to charge them.
I would need a lot of space to go into detail about how deep the role-player elements are in the game, from upgrading your weapons and inventory slots to all the awesome augmentations that can enhance your body, making you even more villainous.
You earn XP to level up, which in turns allows you to allocate points into your different augmentations and skills. Shops are scattered around the areas and "limb labs" are open 24/7 for all those augumentational needs.
The environments are a big part of the gameplay, too There are locked rooms everywhere that require different levels of hacking skills to enter. Hacking requires successful completion of a minigame.
In combat, you may choose the stealth approach so you might want to find the closest air duct or rooftop to sneak past your enemies to get to your objectives. And, if all else fails, just pull out your trusty shotgun and blow away enemies that get too close. I found using my invisible skill along with my tranquiliser gun worked really well together.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is an amazing game. It grabs you and won't let go. You'll never want to put the controller down for a second. It deserves a place in your games collection and will even give those other AAA titles coming out later on this year a real run for the money and your time.
In my eyes, Deus Ex is a real contender for Game of the Year.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
From: Eidos
For: Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars