Make-up brings fantasies to life

Dina Tukhvatulina (12), of Dunedin, experiments with make-up at the Dunedin Pride’s first Make-Up...
Dina Tukhvatulina (12), of Dunedin, experiments with make-up at the Dunedin Pride’s first Make-Up Club gathering on Sunday. PHOTO: LINDA ROBERTSON
Dame Pat McGrath once said make-up is "malleable and mercurial" — it gives people an opportunity to create, to play, and to invent.

It is a sentiment that has helped inspire Dunedin Pride treasurer Trak Gray to launch the organisation’s new Pride Make-up Club on Sunday, in a bid to create a safe place for people to do just that — create, play and invent.

"So many of us explore gender and explore our identities in isolation, and that’s an important part of it, but we’ve really got to do this stuff together.

"This is really about finding a space for us to connect, share knowledge, share support for one another, and really celebrate make-up and whatever it means."

People’s motivation for wearing make-up was varied.

"People use it to explore such different things.

"It’s really about people letting their fantasies come to life.

"So if you want to explore make-up that makes you feel strong or makes you feel delicate or convey artistry — whatever it is that you want to get out of make-up, this is the place to explore it.

"It’s playful and affirming."

The Dunedin Pride Month and Dunedin Fringe Festival event was so popular, organisers now hoped to run it as a fortnightly event.

It is just one of many events Dunedin Pride is holding as part of the Fringe Festival this year.

Organisers said Dunedin Pride Month was about coming together and connecting as a community "as we celebrate the beautiful things that are queerness and queer people, in our city".

"It's your chance to get out and explore all that rainbow Dunedin has to offer."