Obituary: Janis Paige, actress

Janis Paige. Photo: Warner Bros
Janis Paige. Photo: Warner Bros
Janis Paige danced with Fred Astaire, toured with Bob Hope and continued to perform into her 90s. A singer and pin-up model in her youth, Paige’s break came during World War 2 when she was heard by a casting agent singing an operatic aria for servicemen at the Hollywood Canteen. MGM hired her a day later for a brief role in the highly forgettable Bathing Beauty and then dropped her, but two lines were a speaking part and opened doors. After years of performing in low-budget musicals and adventure films Paige relocated to New York and found her feet on Broadway. She shuttled between the coasts for some years, before finally settling in California and into a long series of TV roles. In 2003 Paige resumed entertaining after a long absence, performing in charming solo show where she told stories about Hope, Astaire and Frank Sinatra and sang tunes from her films and stage musicals. Paige died on June 2 aged 101. — Agencies