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A teenage driver escaped his car using a hammer when it became submerged in Otago Harbour last night.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond said an 18-year-old male lost traction while driving along Portobello Rd and went off the road into the harbour.

The incident occurred around 9.40pm.

The driver was able to smash some window glass with a small hammer, get out of the car and swim to shore.

The vehicle drifted off shore for about 20 metres.

No injuries were sustained, and the driver passed a breath test.

A police spokeswoman said the car was submerged, and given the nature of the incident the road was not blocked.

The incident comes after a car went into the harbour near Portobello on Wednesday.


Most, if not all of these incidents will be down to excessive speeds. I personally have noticed an overall increase in the speeds cars are travelling in and out of the city along Portobello Road. Dangerous tail-gating has become a regular occurrence and is often used as a 'bullying' tactic on the driver in front. Dangerous, blind corner overtaking at high speeds is also increasing. In my view, it's time for the Police to show a greater presence on the road and hand out some infringement tickets.

I hope you're pulling over to let the tailgaters pass. I've noticed that hardly anyone does this despite the fact they are going 10 km under the speed limit with a queue of cars behind them.

Agree - the DCC roading upgrade has turned Portobello Road into a race track. I deal with tail-gators by slowing right down to let them pass. However, a lot of these people just slow down behind me and then start gesticulating and getting in a state! I think there needs to be a bigger police presence and a few speed cameras?

Could be a good source of revenue. There are lots of safe places for the police to park and wait now.

