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Dunedin-based MPs Gareth Hughes and Clare Curran have both given their valedictory speeches in the House this evening.

Former Cabinet Minister and MP for Dunedin South Clare Curran began her speech by thanking the people of her electorate.

"I thank from the bottom of my heart the people of Dunedin South."

She said she was "truly grateful" for the opportunity to be a Cabinet Minister.

The former Broadcasting Minister said in her speech Parliament could be a toxic place.

"Mine has not been an easy ride," she said.

Curran said it was with "pain and relief" she gave her speech.

"Over 12 years I have been promoted and demoted more times than I can count."

She said she had made a "public spectacle of myself in the House".

One political reporter even called her "a trouble magnet", she said.

She believed that politicians focused on attacking each other, rather than focusing on policies.

"The objective is to catch people out and take them down."

"Politicians should be held accountable but we are not prey."

She told the press gallery that they are neither judge nor jury.

Curran also called out RNZ, who she said was not properly doing its job in holding media and MPs to account.

A teary Curran signed off her speech by thanking her constituents again.

"To all the people of Dunedin South . . . I gave you 12 years of my life and now it's time to pass the baton.

"That's a wrap."

Green Party list MP Gareth Hughes also gave his valedictory speech this evening.

The MP, who now resides in Dunedin, has been in Parliament since 2010.

"It's been such a privilege to serve here.

"I arrived here dead broke. . . and I even had to borrow money off Jeanette Fitzsimons to buy my first suit.

"I entered at the age of 28, taking Jacinda Ardern's place as the Baby of the House.

"Protecting our beautiful but fragile planet has motivated my life's work.

"I've had a blast and I leave here with a treasure trove of memories, but most importantly my values intact."


Clare works for Community, not individual self interest. It's been a blast, so to speak.

Courage, notre brave.

