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We asked for feedback on changes to our Diversions page in the Otago Daily Times, and we got it.

"Bring back the comics" was the loud and clear message from our readers.

The comics were put in lockdown recently as we revamped the Diversions page to accommodate more puzzles.

Thanks to all who have responded so positively about those changes.

Regular features have been moved — Today in History to the Opinion page, and Ask a Scientist, Nature File and Skywatch to the Weekend Mix — but it was the comics and the Saturday cryptic crossword people were most passionate about.

We have listened to your calls and are pleased to report we have found a new home, from today, on the inside back page of the newspaper for Zits, Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes.

Unfortunately, Hagar the Horrible didn’t make the cut.

Clearly, there are a lot of comic strip fans out there and we are pleased we will be able to put a smile back on the faces of our readers.

Although we have solved the comic puzzle, we could not, unfortunately, find a solution for the well-loved cryptic crossword.

The problem is this particular puzzle is no longer produced, so we have had to source a replacement.

This will take some getting used to, but we are confident you will rise to meet the challenge.

Thanks for all your feedback, and keep smiling.

 - Barry Stewart, Editor


Bring back Phantom

Brilliant, they brighten up the day.