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United States President Donald Trump is, in part, responsible for the violent upheaval that has rocked the US during the past 10 days, Professor Robert Patman says.

Speaking on Global Insight, the international relations specialist outlines how the president's rhetoric has created a climate that has made possible the protests and riots following the death of George Floyd in police custody.

Prof Patman also gives his views on whether Mr Trump has overplayed his hand with church-going supporters by posing with a Bible for a photo opportunity during the protests.

And he explains why he believes the Black Lives Matter solidarity protests in New Zealand have attracted so many young people.


What a wonderful example of Patman's hate of all things Trump.
No mention of how the US had the lowest unemployment rate of minorities before the lockdown. No mention of the Second Chance prison work reforms nor the ten year funding programs, no longer restricting development of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), to give two examples.
If there is anyone focused on their next election, it's the Democrats. They are putting up their weakest candidate ever. The Antifa involvement in the rioting suggest a strong connection to all things anti Conservative and the media's complicity and twisted reporting is no better.
The real question that needs to be asked is, why is it that the States and cities that have voted Democrat for decades, have the worst performing police forces with the resulting, worst protests? It is the States and Cities that run THEIR police forces, not the Fed.
Now that they have made such an effort to dump THEIR failures on the Fed, I'm sure Trump will expedite the task force he setup in October 2019 into police practices, policy and training, to sort it out.
Trumps biggest failure so far, is underestimating how deep the swamp is.


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