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A bus between Dunedin Airport and the city could finally be a reality.

The city remains the country’s only international airport without a bus service between the town centre and its airport.

This has been attributed to population, and the terminal’s 30km distance from central Dunedin.

However, Otago Regional Council public transport team leader Julian Phillips said yesterday it planned to investigate the feasibility of such a service early this year with other Connecting Dunedin partners, the Dunedin City Council and NZ Transport Agency.

This would form part of the regional council’s Otago’s regional public transport plan (RPTP) review this year.

The council decided to investigate the route in 2018, but became focused on other major projects, such work related to the bus hub and new driver work break legislation.

"In the past, an airport service was not considered viable because of the costs, distance and the relatively low number of air passengers to and from Dunedin.

"However, with the RPTP being drafted, greater overall bus patronage on Orbus, and Dunedin growing, now is a good time to re-examine transport to and from the airport with our Connecting Dunedin partners."

The council did not answer questions about what form the investigation would take.

The initiative has been pushed by several Dunedin city councillors and Mayor Aaron Hawkins.

Otago Regional councillor Michael Deaker said the idea was investigated by the council roughly eight or nine years ago.

"At the time, I think it was decided there were lots of commercial operators, particularly shuttle buses, providing an on-demand service and the cost of running a public bus out there for every flight would be ridiculously high."

However, with the increase in passenger numbers it would be worth revisiting, he said.

"I would like to know whether the situation [has] changed, with more people."



Another black hole. Their are taxis for $80-90, Uber for $36-40 or a shuttle for $15 pp. No bus service operated by the DCC/ORC can meet those costs without burdening the rate payer for another scheme to spend our rates. A reflection of their competency. My estimate is that 90-95% of every existing bus trip looses money and has to to be supported by the ratepayer. I would like to be proved wrong.

Wow this is totally disgusting that Dunedin doesn't have this service but is the service worth while? Maybe a shuttle is a better way to a central point then a bigger bus to the airport. Other cities using shuttles do this and have a central point where people changes shuttles to go in different directions to get home sooner. I do recall my family walking up to the opposite of the Lookout point fire station and getting the bus to the Airport. It just goes to show how rundown Dunedin has become, how small the place over the years. Suspect Hawkins is only interested because he doesn't drive.

