Young accountant's success not just a matter of balancing the books

Gulliver (6), Chris and Roy (9) Meech, of Oamaru.
Gulliver (6), Chris and Roy (9) Meech, of Oamaru.
Making sure the books balance alongside family and social life has earned Dunedin accountant Peter Gulliver the 2008 New Zealand Young Chartered Accountant of the Year Award.

The 35-year-old is an audit partner at Deloitte Dunedin and has worked with the company since 1995.

He was admitted as audit partner in 2005 - Deloitte's youngest New Zealand partner at the time.

Mr Gulliver was presented with the Young Chartered Accountant of the Year Award during a black-tie dinner at the Dunedin Town Hall last night as part of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants' annual event to celebrate the profession's rising stars and recognise exceptional individual achievement.

The judging panel sought to identify candidates, in the categories of Young Chartered Accountant, Associate Chartered Accountant, and Accounting Technician, who made the most significant contribution to their organisations, their clients' development or the accountancy profession.

The judges were impressed with Mr Gulliver's promotion and specialised work on large international due-diligence and acquisition projects.

His involvement in the local community as honorary auditor for local sporting and cultural organisations was also recognised.

Despite his busy schedule, which often involved travel overseas, Mr Gulliver maintained an active work and personal life balance.

He spends time with his young family and is a regular competitor in the New Zealand (gold medalist) and South Island (silver medalist) Masters Games touch tournaments.

He has been described by colleagues as excelling in terms of his professionalism, reliability, integrity and honesty, and as maintaining the highest of standards even in difficult and trying times.

The 2008 Associate Chartered Accountant of the Year Award was won by Guildford Grammar School chief financial officer Kent Peters (now based in Perth, Western Australia), and the 2008 Accounting Technician of the Year Award was won by Pompallier Rest Home and Village Trust Board accountant Judith Bruce, of Christchurch.



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