Merger rejection welcomed

Grant McKenzie
Grant McKenzie

Allied Press has welcomed the Commerce Commission decision to turn down the proposed merger between NZME and Fairfax New Zealand.

The merger would have put 90% of print media into the hands of one entity.

Allied Press chief executive Grant McKenzie said it was pleasing to see the commission had upheld its draft decision.

''We are hopeful the newspaper industry will now be able to work closer together and continue to provide credible news, outstanding reach to our advertisers and an excellent read to our subscribers.''

Asked how the merger decision might affect Allied Press, Mr McKenzie said the company would continue to work with both parties - NZME and Fairfax - on areas of mutual interest.

''We are lucky in the South to have a media organisation that provides an abundance of local stories in all of our titles, while also getting the best from around New Zealand and internationally.''

Fairfax had indicated it was likely to cut staff numbers and possibly some newspapers.

Mr McKenzie said Allied Press would to look at commercial opportunities as they arose.

''We will continue to invest in quality journalism and provide local stories for our readers.''

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