Affectionate tabby cats and abundant rabbits will briefly be half price at the SPCA in Dunedin.
Having Tourette's syndrome and playing poker is difficult, says a 2013 Dunedin Fringe Festival comedian.
A groundswell of opposition to a proposal on opening areas to commercial paua harvesting in Otago and Southland was heard at the South Coast Boardriders Club in Dunedin last night.
A volunteering Otago referral service is helping Otago residents recover from mental health issues.
Citizens Advice Bureau awareness week started yesterday, with a focus on rental housing.
Channel 9 viewers can watch their favourite shows on the Freeview HD platform from Wednesday.
Battling blindness and bad hips has only bolstered the 60-year marriage of a Dunedin couple.
The drought has impaired the fundraising effort of a former All Black cycling the length of New Zealand, Neonatal Trust chief executive Michael Meads says.
Fast fashion is so last season, an international iD Dunedin Fashion Week judge says.
An unknown number of Dunedin businesses and residents lost their telephone and internet connection for more than three hours yesterday when a contractor accidently cut a cable in the central city.
A Mosgiel mother wants the cleaning bill for a rodent-infested state house to be paid by the Government.
The impact and human costs of a diminishing southern manufacturing industry have been highlighted at a parliamentary inquiry in Dunedin.
''Team Hot Fuzz'' had a close shave for a good cause in Dunedin yesterday.
A South Dunedin man's brush with New Zealand's biggest killer changed his life forever.
A Dunedin great-grandmother watched test cricket at the University Oval yesterday with another three generations of female descendants from her ''cricket mad'' family.
A Dunedin woman has quarantined her rabbit stud until her litter of rabbits has been vaccinated against a disease killing rabbits in Dunedin.
A large Jordanian family living in Dunedin became New Zealand citizens yesterday to enjoy a relaxed lifestyle, the freedom to be yourself - and overpriced sweets.
The bunks in the refurbished Leaning Lodge hut will be sturdy enough for snuggling, says the secretary of the Leaning Lodge Trust.
Buffed bonnets, big-block Chevs and ''body snatchers'' attracted a large crowd to a classic American car show in Dunedin at the weekend.
The Armageddon Expo's first visit to Dunedin at the weekend has been declared a success by organiser Bill Geradts, although he admitted yesterday to having suffered some pre-event nerves.