The green waste dumped and leaching into Dunedin's urban streams is "offensive" and endangering the brown trout, Fish and Game says.
A volunteer student army was on mess duty around the Otago Harbour basin in Dunedin yesterday.
A small pimple that festered with cellulitis cut a southern motorcycle tour short but the Australian tourists left Dunedin yesterday thankful for travel insurance and the advice to seek medical attention quickly.
The ParaFed Otago Panthers wheelchair basketballers lack players but not confidence.
It's the end of the road for an automotive superstar.
A North Otago player who booted his way to a kicking competition's top prize - watching the All Blacks at Twickenham - has found himself offside with rugby officials.
Cyclists raising awareness of cancer in Pacific Island and Maori men thanked God with song in Dunedin last night - even after He made the trip harrowing.