The long-awaited $3.3million Alexandra ice skating rink upgrade may soon be under way with a $650,000 community board grant, but the facility will remain where it is.
Altruistic Alexandra woman Liz Duggan always said she would join the senior queen competition when she turned 80, but was "overwhelmed'' to actually win.
The line of "Dolly Partons" were so in character at the Omakau Stars in Your Eyes showcase this weekend, calls of "Please don’t take my man" may have been heard from the crowd.
The Government's ''bulk funding'' education proposal will result in ''bulk teaching'' with larger class sizes and tired teachers, Central Otago educators say.
Police dropping their opposition to the Omakau Trots' liquor licence brought a feeling ''somewhere between relief and excitement'' to Central Otago Trotting Club president Graham Sinnamon.