As crime in New Zealand hits a 15-year low, Otago and Southland are some of the safest places to live and work in the country, police statistics for 2011 reveal.
A Dunedin man quietly accepted a silver bravery medal from the Royal Humane Society of New Zealand at a short ceremony in Dunedin yesterday, for his actions in dragging an elderly woman from her burning home.
Child, Youth and Family is unable to say how often it has not been able to find immediate accommodation for a child or young person placed in its custody, as it does not keep centralised data.
Jenepher Glover was elected as the Dunedin Returned and Services Association president at the association's 96th annual meeting on Wednesday.
Hyde St landlords want the keg party in their street stopped after being left with thousands of dollars worth of damage after Saturday's all-day drink fest.
Dunedin artist Pamela Brown has given up her "wallpaper" home for a week to allow people to wander through and examine each of the rooms, which have become installations in her final master of fine arts exhibition "Dress Ups".
If the Hyde St keg party goes ahead again next year, the Otago University Students' Association (OUSA) would like to see a limit on numbers, entry limited to students, and would consider increasing the food component to make the event more like the Hokitika Wildfoods Festival.
A Dunedin policeman and a liquor store owner have responded to a call for liquor licensing authorities to monitor liquor outlets more thoroughly if the Hyde St keg party takes place next year.
He never thought his science-fiction collection would be exhibited and now it is, Emeritus Prof Fred Fastier is not sure who will come and see it.
Yesterday's second annual iD Dunedin Fashion Week Designer Sale was a hit with bargain-hunters.
Nearly 10,000 people, including many high school pupils and Christchurch people, have indicated they will attend tomorrow's Hyde St keg party in Dunedin.
Talks about a centralised emergency services hub in Dunedin are continuing, the Fire Service says.
Dunedin couple Pippa Lucas (20) and Mike Natzke (23) have had to do a lot of growing up in the past few months. In October, Mr Natzke was paralysed when his ute, driven by Miss Lucas, crashed,...
The theft of a new $1500 laptop from the Otago Community Hospice is heartbreaking, Otago Community Hospice chief executive Ginny Green says.
A second person has been arrested after three pit bulls were allegedly set on two police officers called to a domestic dispute in Dunedin, but the dogs have still not been found.
Part-time soldiers from a new "high-readiness reserve" force could find themselves in the line of fire alongside Regular Forces as part of a mooted cost-cutting review.
Young people placed in the custody of Child, Youth and Family (CYF) are sometimes having to stay back in their family homes immediately after being transferred to CYF because appropriate caregivers and beds are not available.
Two brothers who pulled from a motorcyle a man being pursued by police in Dunedin early on Saturday afternoon have been praised.
Dunedin police have made a plea for help from the public after nine suspicious fires were lit in the city at the weekend.
A 67-year-old Roxburgh man has pleaded guilty to murdering his wife in March last year.