The short-term fate of the Dunedin Physio Pool could be known today.
Two large rocks blocking a track to Blueskin Bay since 2008 are to be removed and vehicle access reinstated as soon as possible.
The options for speeding up the widening of the low road around the Otago Peninsula, and how much that could cost ratepayers, will be studied over the next month.
A blocked vehicle track to the beach at Warrington was not closed using the proper legal process, lawyers have advised, but the authorities want the road to stay closed anyway.
The Otago Racing Club says if it does not get consent to subdivide for a row of houses along Gladstone Rd North at Wingatui, it could build a row of large, potentially brightly lit, noisy and smelly corrugated iron-clad horse barns there instead.
The Dunedin City Council is footing the bill to process the consent required for the development of the former Loan and Mercantile Building in the harbourside area.
Dunedin artist Andy McCready puts the finishing touches on a film noir-themed artwork on a telecommunications cabinet in Forth St, Dunedin.
City planners have sided with residents of a semi-rural Dunedin suburb against development of a subdivision on the Wingatui racecourse site.
Plans for some maintenance work on the Brighton Domain over the next few weeks have been welcomed by the Saddle Hill Community Board.
Long-time Saddle Hill advocate and politician Colin Weatherall's service to the Saddle Hill community and Dunedin was acknowledged at a community board afternoon tea in Waldronville after his receipt of his Queen's Service Medal on Friday.
Dunedin's first proposed co-housing development has received mass support from submitters.
The would-be developer of a historic Dunedin warehouse has threatened to try to demolish the building if he is not granted consent to convert part of it into apartments.
The Loan and Mercantile Building in Dunedin is the most significant 19th century warehouse building remaining in the country, art and architectural historian Peter Entwisle says.
Organisers behind the plan to create a cycle trail between Mosgiel and Dunedin say it is going to take longer than hoped.
The Dunedin City Council has taken a stance on the trans-Pacific partnership agreement.
A government promise to spend $100 million more on urban cycleways over the next four years could have direct benefits for Dunedin, National list MP Michael Woodhouse says.
The transpacific trade partnership is on the Dunedin City Council's agenda today as it decides whether to lobby the Government.
The inaugural outing of Dunedin's pop culture and science festival was such a success there are plans to do it again, organisers say.
Three people were taken to Dunedin Hospital with minor injuries after a house fire in the Dunedin suburb of Ocean Grove last night.
A hole that opened up on the Esplanade at St Clair is hoped to be an isolated incident related to water getting in by the old surf club ramp, rather than low sand levels in front of the sea wall.