Dunedin ratepayers will be called on for the third year in a row to help balance Forsyth Barr Stadium's books.
Staffing at Dunedin libraries is being restructured in a bid to make the service more efficient.
A storm is brewing in Victoria Rd where some residents say the Dunedin City Council's plan to install a shared walk/cycle path is rushed and a potential disaster.
The $4.5 million South Dunedin cycle network may not be completed within the Dunedin City Council's four-year deadline, as Victoria Rd potentially poses another stumbling block.
The number of dogs being allowed to do their business on Dunedin sports fields and run around them off the lead has prompted the city's animal services team to increase its monitoring and education of dog owners.
Dunedin City Council staff have been investigating issues at the East Taieri dog park to see what can be done after users asked the council to tackle weed, drainage and lighting issues there.
Parts of Dunedin are lacking basic maintenance and city council staff need to put pressure on contractors to improve their performance, a Dunedin city councillor says.
A proposal to trial a new process for commissioning public art for Dunedin has been rejected by city councillors.
Not content to let the sleeping fluoridation bear lie, new city councillors Mike Lord and David Benson-Pope may poked it firmly in the stomach yesterday.
Dunedin city councillors have asked staff to report in the next six months to the community development and environment committee on how the lane charging system at Moana Pool is working.
The Dunedin City Council has accepted an offer from the Taieri Community Facilities Trust to work with the council on developing further a project for a proposed new pool in Mosgiel.
Forsyth Barr Stadium may be losing money but events held there since it opened have provided a $45 million economic benefit for Dunedin, the boss of the company running the stadium said as the city council agreed to pump in another $1.4 million to help the company break even.
New tenants of Dunedin City Council flats will not be allowed to smoke inside from July 1.
It appears the Dunedin City Council has avoided a date in court with one of its councillors, for the time being at least.
The Dunedin City Council has decided to continue with its Warm Dunedin scheme for at least another year.
The Dunedin City Council has voted to not invest in the munitions, tobacco, fossil fuel extraction, gambling or pornography industries.
Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull has set the scene for city councillors as they begin debating what to spend ratepayers' money on, and what not to, in the 2014-15 financial year.
Dunedin city councillor Richard Thomson thinks he might have a plan that could satisfy the desires of both sides of the debate over which part of Portobello Rd/Harington Point Rd to improve first.
A series of measures to try to speed up the processing of building consents has been outlined by Dunedin City Council senior management, but they warn the problem not will be fixed overnight.
Support has been sought from the Dunedin City Council for a large new joint sports hub development behind Logan Park High School.