Bars closing might be the price of becoming a civil society, a social service agency says, as no-shows dominated the second day of hearings on Dunedin's draft local alcohol policy (Lap).
A group of Outram School children outdid themselves in a recent fundraiser to help Brighton's little blue penguins.
Otago's top policeman has slammed an industry-commissioned economic impact report on Dunedin's draft local alcohol policy (Lap) as flawed and misleading.
Dunedin bars offered punters cheap drinks to fill in surveys in support of licensees position against a draft liquor licensing policy for the city, Dunedin district licensing commissioner Colin Weatherall says.
A new charitable foundation aims to build up a fund that would ensure the financial security of one of Dunedin's top tourism and cultural ''treasures'' in perpetuity.
Dunedin's draft local alcohol policy (Lap) could cost the region more than $2.8 million, an economic analysis commissioned by inner-city bar owners suggests.
Seven Dunedin city councillors may be spending a good part of this weekend finishing reading thousands of submissions on the city's draft local alcohol policy.
A new online submission portal has saved the Dunedin City Council $10,000 on its first outing.
A Dunedin city councillor has wished a council-led working party ''good luck'' as it begins work on the next stage of a major cycle lane project that would remove central city car parks.
Plans for tighter alcohol restrictions in Dunedin have attracted about 4500 submissions, the bulk opposing the changes - and some prompting a language warning.
Rangers and animal control are on the hunt for a mystery killer after 30 little blue penguins were killed near Dunedin.
A Wanaka-based developer has applied for consent to create an 82-lot subdivision on one of the largest pieces of undeveloped residential-zoned land left in Dunedin.
A proposal to grant leases for a mobile trading site on the Museum Reserve has hit resistance from Otago Museum.
A Dunedin city councillor's suggestion staff may have provided inaccurate figures in the council's latest annual report has drawn the ire of his colleagues, one of whom accused him of scaremongering.
The Dunedin City Council may back away from trialling any ban or restriction on vehicles in the lower Octagon and lower Stuart St.
The Otago Vintage Machinery Club will be sounding its foghorn come November 2 and it wants all and sundry to know about it.
A visiting steam train is stirring the memories of some Dunedin people and creating new memories for others.
Nine days have been set aside for the Dunedin City Council to hear submissions on its proposed local alcohol policy (Lap).
The paddling pool at Dunedin's Woodhaugh Gardens is fenced off while contractors search for the cause of apparent leaks.
Dunedin's recent and planned cycling projects are being lauded as inspirational and ground-breaking and are in the running for national recognition.