"A zero percent pay increase isn't a fair deal."
Nearly 70 years after World War 2 pilot Sergeant John Duncan Broadley was killed in action, his Dunedin family are delighted to know he is still cared about by a woman living in a small rural village in Suffolk, England.
Five years ago, Paul Ferris was diagnosed with bowel cancer and was making the most of what he thought may be his last days.
If you look up "Samuel Johnson" in a reputable dictionary, you are more likely to find his name on the cover, rather than inside the book.
Every little bit helps.
A Department of Corrections drug treatment unit, to be established at the Milburn prison, may significantly help those battling drug addiction and others fighting to reduce crime in the region.
Peter Dunne
Principals across the Otago region are angry the Otago District Health Board has failed to notify schools and parents about a review of the school-based dental service.
Otago schools have lost the equivalent of about 12.5 classrooms full of pupils as school rolls continue to decline across the region.
Three Dunedin secondary-school pupils may need more than a couple of Band-Aids when they head to Burnham Military Camp later this year to join the New Zealand Secondary Schools Brass Band.
The Grants Braes School Boyz have been strutting about the school yard this week after their Jump Jam team qualified for the national final in Auckland.
A book about the evolution of the gay sexual identity has won a senior lecturer at the University of Otago a Montana New Zealand Book Award.
Otago homeowners wanting to take advantage of the Government's Warm up New Zealand: Heat Smart programme could be waiting up to two months for warmer homes because insulation suppliers are having difficulty keeping up with demand.
Forget horses, swords and knights in shining armour. The story of King Arthur has been given a makeover by the Gang Show 2009 producers, leaving Arty and his gang of surly knights to go head-to-head on skateboards in jousts.
Principals in Dunedin schools hope to use the upcoming holidays to their advantage and stifle the flu bug which has been reinfecting pupils for the past two months.
Monday mornings are famous for being muddled and disorganised.
Otago debt collectors are busy as the number of businesses calling on them to make people owing them money pay up has risen by up to 30% in the past year.
It's not the kind of workshop you want to trip over in.
Streets on the flat in Dunedin are mostly clear of snow now and the Northern and Southern Motorways are open.
Organisers of Stars on Stage musical and theatrical event at the Regent Theatre say the biennial three-day event has become so popular they will expand the show to four nights in 2011.
She may need assistance walking from time to time, but Evelyne Lovett is just as animated as the day she first took the stage with the Dunedin Operatic Society.