Some eye specialists are concerned that drug company pressure could make it more difficult to use a new drug which is helping save the sight of many Dunedin people threatened with blindness.
New Zealand can gain significant health and economic benefits from fostering closer links between researchers studying human and animal genetics, University of Otago Prof Neil Gemmell says.
More than 2500 University of Otago students completed course approval yesterday, before the start of the university's first semester.
A university of Otago study aims to clarify the effect of taking vitamin supplements during winter on levels of the vitamin D in the body.
Weather permitting, Otago sky watchers with telescopes will tonight be able to watch Titan, Saturn's largest moon, crossing the planet's rings.
New Zealand universities are budgeting to lose millions of dollars from their investment income this year because of the global credit crunch, but University of Otago operations are not at "significant risk" from any reduced earnings.
Language was definitely no barrier when three master puppeteers from China's Sichuan province entertained onlookers at the Otago Museum's Hutton Theatre this week.
More action by Government and by the Dunedin City Council is needed to counter binge drinking problems involving Dunedin tertiary students, says Dr Kypros Kypri, a leading researcher into drinking and social issues.
The discovery on the Indonesian island of Flores of a new species of human, nicknamed the "Hobbit", has implications for understanding the history of human evolution, Australian-based anthropologist Prof Mike Morwood says.
Ill-feeling over an unpaid bill is continuing to affect relationships between the Otago Museum and the national museum, Te Papa.
Otago Settlers Museum organisers are "surprised and delighted" with the growing popularity of their Walk Dunedin guided walks, despite the adverse effect of tougher economic times on some tourism-related activities elsewhere.
The economic downturn may have contributed to a record student roll at the University of Otago's latest summer school.
Free, at last. Sid made his greatest escape from Portobello Aquarium yesterday when he was released into Otago Harbour.
Parts of Otago's early "forgotten history", before 1840, have been highlighted by Port Chalmers historian Ian Church, in a recently published book, Gaining a Foothold.
Belonging to some organisations can prove costly, even if they happen to be international conservation bodies.
The New Zealand Conservation Authority faces a potential headache over workload this year, with a series of regional conservation management strategies and national park management plans needing to be considered.
Nobel laureate Prof Sir Harry Kroto is keen to raise public awareness of science and also likes a joke.
Major research project which could help further develop primary mental health care in New Zealand is being led by University of Otago researchers, and is backed by nearly $1 million in district health board funding.
No, you were not imagining it. January was much warmer than normal in Dunedin, with temperatures well above average.
Latest University of Otago research has shown pervasive positive sun-tanning attitudes need to be countered to help prevent schoolchildren getting too much sun.