Concerns about a devastating magnitude 8 earthquake on the Alpine Fault have prompted University of Otago scientists to drill for ways to better protect New Zealanders against the threat.
Violin music this week provided a powerful accompaniment to an exploration of Einstein's life, his involvement with music, and the revolutionary impact of his ideas.
University of Otago scientists have begun the first research in humans of a new hormone mechanism they have discovered, which contributes to subtle differences between male and female behaviour.
The impromptu memorials for loved ones that sprang up in New York after the 2001 terrorist attacks have helped inspire a planned photographic wall of memories in Dunedin, linked to Anzac Day.
There was only one problem with a well-organised Dunedin City Council expo last month - a lack of people.
Completing a new storage building at the Otago Settlers Museum will boost efforts to raise a further $5 million needed to complete the overall redevelopment, museum organisers believe.
With a skirl of the pipes, a lone Scottish piper began an Anzac musical tradition at the University of Otago yesterday.
The long-term future of the New Zealand International Science Festival could be damaged by an overemphasis on tourism in a Dunedin City Council draft strategy, festival founder Dame Elizabeth Hanan, warns.
Former Dunedin inventor Glenn Martin, who now lives in Christchurch, has been working to improve the safety of his "jet-pack" flying machine which has grabbed worldwide attention.
Fears that a heritage-listed fitting shop at the Dunedin Gasworks Museum could soon collapse have been allayed by plans to strengthen and restore the building before the end of the year.
The Portuguese ambassador to New Zealand, Antonio Mendes, was in Dunedin this week to open an exhibition and film festival celebrating Portuguese culture.
Questions have been raised about the openness of some University of Otago committees after many agenda items were discussed with the public excluded at two recent meetings.
Assistant Prof Rob Knight, the trail-blazing US-based biochemist and University of Otago graduate, is "very excited" to have gained a prestigious Early Career Scientist award, amounting to more than $US3 million ($NZ5 million).
Earlier frustration turned to satisfaction for Dunedin bank officer Jason Hewlett when he bought a Rotary Club of Mosgiel charity home at auction on Saturday.
Sixty civilian volunteers and police search and rescue squad members took part in an annual search and rescue training exercise in the Silver Peaks area, near Dunedin, at the weekend.
Some of the University of Otago's highest-fliers have flown.
The economic downturn has had a brighter side for the University of Otago in helping contain or cut costs for some of its building and redevelopment projects.
The University of Otago is using international consultants to help research and prepare campus master plans to guide development of the university's campuses in Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington.
About 300 Otago Polytechnic graduands, staff members and other supporters walked through George St, Dunedin, yesterday in an incident-free academic procession before a graduation ceremony at the Dunedin Town Hall.
A cure for Alzheimer's disease may not be found within 10 years, but significantly better treatments will be available by then, University of Otago psychologist Prof Cliff Abraham said yesterday.