And that is why the person standing together with you, welcoming your guests and officiating your ceremony is one of the most significant people at your wedding.
You may decide on a festival-themed wedding, and would like a celebrant that is happy to wear wellies. You may decide on a more formal occasion and would like the ceremony to follow a traditional structure, or maybe you are a couple that are never on time and need a celebrant who is relaxed and doesn’t mind the start time being flexible.
Whatever it is, you must find someone that suits your style, someone you really connect with and trust to have the huge responsibility of narrating your special day.
Pick someone that is going to fit with your personalities. The ceremony can be one of the most emotional parts of your wedding so you certainly need someone you feel comfortable to laugh and cry with. Someone that understands you, your sense of
humour, your ideas and how you want your ceremony to be received by your guests.
A really good fit between celebrant and couple is important. They will get to know the intimate parts of your relationship story and sometimes the harder things you want to acknowledge in your ceremony, such as losing a loved one. You should feel natural and comfortable to discuss things openly and honestly, and your relationship should not be awkward or forced.
TIPS: Book early: A good celebrant will book out quickly — sometimes up to a year or more in advance. The only other option is to be willing to be flexible on your time or date. The most popular wedding date and time is between 2-4pm on a Saturday. Early And importantly... Ask them what they are going to wear! There is nothing worse than your celebrant turning up in an outfit that clashes with your colour scheme or style theme and takes the focus away from the couple. A celebrant should not be memorable for the wrong reasons, if they blend with the groom’s colours for example, it will make the overall tone of your photos much softer. |