Donald Cullington (piano) and his daughter Fiona Pickering (flute) entertain Victoria League members. PHOTO: GILLIAN VINE
Judy Bellingham, better known for her musical prowess, asked 20 questions on all aspects of royalty, with amusing asides, but tut-tutted when no member knew that myrtle was traditionally included in every regal bridal bouquet.
John Broughton showed a Victoria League menu from a London lunch this year in memory of Queen Elizabeth II.
The event had been attended by all Victoria Cross holders who signed the menu, including New Zealander Lance-corporal Willie Apiata, awarded the VC in 2007.
"This is a very special souvenir," Mr Broughton said.
After a festive afternoon tea, Donald Cullington (piano) and his daughter Fiona Pickering (flute) entertained the gathering.