Members of Dunedin Harmony Chorus have been practising a range of new and old a capella songs — including a snazzy new birthday song.
The audience at the concert, to be held this Sunday from 2pm at St Patrick’s Basilica in Macandrew Rd, will hear barbershop songs old and new.
Entry is by gold coin, plus a can for the Presbyterian Support Food Bank.
Audience members can enter a draw to win a digital audio recording of an a capella birthday song dedicated to a person of their choice.
Chorus director Robyn Abernethy says the past two years have been challenging for community groups and the 28 members she directs are excited about the opportunity to perform live again.
"And we all know people who missed out on celebrating birthdays during the lockdowns, so we're hoping people will enter our competition to provide a fun gift to a friend or family member, and perhaps kindle an interest in barbershop harmony."
Dunedin Harmony Chorus is the current Sweet Adelines New Zealand Small-Chorus Champion and is keen to attract new members who want to have fun learning the art of barbershop singing.
"We welcome women of all ages to contact us about joining the chorus and we're also keen to hear from groups in Dunedin who would like us to perform at their events and gatherings."
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