Simple steps, ideas, prompts to help bring that novel to fruition

Creating Your First Novel
by Hank Quense
(Strange Worlds Publishing)


From the time I started working as a reporter full time, the humble urge to write a novel that has bubbled away in the back of my mind since I was a teenager has become harder and harder to ignore.

My computer is filled with an odd assortment of half-finished stories, ideas, recollections, outlines, concepts, settings and characters, with very little cohesion.

So turning to an expert seems sensible to make my idle thoughts into something a little more concrete.

Hank Quense has made quite a market out of giving people advice on how to start that elusive first novel.

He starts with simple steps, such as planning or story design, with clear information on how to flesh out the bare bones of your novel, from characters to plot.

Ideas and writing prompts to get you started are provided, giving you some helpful tips to spark your imagination.

Explanations of plot development are supplemented with simple diagrams to help unpack the process.

Quense also provides information on the business side of book publishing.

The book is written in plain English, making it a quick and easy read for everyone.

There is an old axiom that everyone has a novel inside them. If you want to let it see the light of day, Hank Quense can help you achieve that.

Reviewed by Simon Henderson