NSCs are collaborative research programmes, set up in 2014 to tackle some of the biggest issues facing New Zealand.
The University of Otago hosts two NSCs — Healthier Lives and Ageing Well.
Healthier Lives director Prof Sir Jim Mann said, with one year remaining of the NSCs, "I am excited about the results that are emerging from our research".
"These talks will feature some of the leading scientists from around the country, so they promise to be lively and thought-provoking events," he said.
The panel discussions will be held over four evenings, July 4-7, from 5.30pm-7.30pm at Petridish, 8 Stafford St.
The panels will explore how science can contribute to improving health and wellbeing, making cities more liveable, caring for the environment and transforming food systems.
The topics are: Healthier Kiwis (July 4), Liveable Cities (July 5), Enabling Kaitiakitanga (July 6), and Feeding Aotearoa (July 7).
Bookings are recommended and available through www.scifest.org.nz