Non-profits assisted

Helping organisations with their accounts are (from left) Dunedin Community Accounting co...
Helping organisations with their accounts are (from left) Dunedin Community Accounting co-ordinator Welly Tandoko and students Shivan Rawat, Seth Peters, Felix Gilmour, Jed Machirus, Frank Lu, Oliver Smith and Aaron Wrathall. PHOTO: SAM HENDERSON
For non-profit organisations, the challenge of getting to grips with accounts can feel expensive and complicated.

Dunedin Community Accounting provides answers and practical help free of charge.

The group enables people such as first-time treasurers to gain guidance from University of Otago senior accounting students.

Student Aaron Wrathall said the organisation was focused on grassroots not-for-profits that might generally struggle to afford an accountant.

"They need to be not making a profit, but being able to cover their expenses, pay their employees, fund just basics like equipment and office supplies.

"Making sure all their taxes are covered, everything is accounted for properly, like assets that they own."

It could also mean ensuring the payroll was accurate and legal.

The accountancy students are supervised by chartered accountants during the sessions.

"We provide the business advice but it is all looked over and supervised by a chartered accountant to make sure all the advice is sound and accurate."

Student Shivan Rawat said they could also help by providing assistance to ensure all the financial information was correct.

"So they are presenting their financials accurately to their stakeholders."

"We also have to make sure that they are complying with the Charities Services requirements for their annual reports and stuff like that."

The free service operates on Monday evenings during term time.

Sessions are held at Dunedin Community House and last about 45 minutes.


Monday evenings (term time)

Dunedin Community House

43 Princes St

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