Two murals created by artists Deirdre O’Malley and Jemima Pedro, with the help of the pupils, were officially opened at the school on Friday.
They were funded by the Ministry of Education’s Creative in Schools programme, which encourages schools to team up with professional artists to develop a new creative project.
One mural, on the school’s bottom field, features people playing games like tug of war and dodgeball.
It also has a QR code.
Anyone who scans the code with their phone will be link to a short recording of the pupils singing the school song.
Pedro and O’Malley were thrilled to be able to incorporate the code into the mural, and believed the school was the first in New Zealand to have done that.
The other mural was about culture and identity.
Pupils worked with the artists to create the murals, which Pedro said was fabulous.
The children were absolutely awesome and were totally focused on their painting, she said.
"Everything disappeared except for them and the paint. It was just magic."
Principal Steve Turnbull said it was great to see the sparkle in the pupils’ eyes and their enthusiasm to complete the project.