As personal trainer Jake Kelly sets up fitness equipment, the men walk around the room to warm up.
They are here for Prost-Fit, a free exercise class for men living with prostate cancer.
Mr Kelly said classes were fully funded by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand.
"It is a once-a-week programme for any boys that have had prostate cancer or currently have it.
"We just come down here, [do] a bit of cardiovascular work, some weights, some core training, some boxing, some co-ordination.
"It is a pretty good mix of everything they need and the boys seem to really enjoy it."
About a dozen men take part. Some have been coming for a few years and others have joined recently.
With a range of ages from men in their 50s to one in his 90s, Mr Kelly tailored the class to suit different exercise levels.
Not just participants in the class, these men have also become his friends.
"We go out for coffee once a month.
"We will just pop down the road to the local cafe and have a scone and a coffee and a chinwag, which is definitely my highlight of it — they’ve always got something interesting to talk about.
The group also goes out for lunch at Christmas.
"I definitely learn a lot from the boys, hopefully they learn a little bit from me.

Prost-Fit member Andrew Brown was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2019.
His prostate-specific antigen levels had been monitored for a while when they "rocketed up".
"I went to see the specialist and he didn’t give me a choice of whether I wanted treatment. He just said ‘well, I think because of your levels, we’ll have to take it out’."
His wife talked to a nurse who suggested he would benefit from the Prost-Fit class.
"She gave me Jake’s phone number. I phoned Jake and he said ‘come along, it’s sweet’.
"It’s good. I met all these guys and they are all in the same place where I’ve been."
The group was a great bunch of guys.
"We’ve all come from the same circumstances.
"They are good to have a workout with."
It had been good to share the prostate cancer journey with others who were experiencing the same thing.
He enjoyed not only taking part in the classes but also the regular gatherings at a local cafe for a "good old yarn".
He was full of praise for Mr Kelly.
"Oh, Jake’s excellent. He’s very much part of this team and keeps us all together and puts through some good programmes."