Colourful themes ranging from pirates to Avril Lavigne and "Crouching Tiger Hyding Dragons" will appear at the Hyde St party in the university quarter.
Thousands of revellers crammed into Dunedin's student quarter on Saturday, for the annual Hyde St party.
Organisers are staying tight-lipped on the future of the Hyde St keg party after a St John vehicle was attacked, a dozen party-goers were arrested and dozens more required medical attention at the event.
The residents of Hyde St are ready for a right royal party, but have been warned it could be the last if this year's keg party gets out of control.
The future of the Hyde St keg party appears secure after this year's event was hailed a resounding success by organisers and those involved in it.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge couldn't make it in the end.
More than 3000 people, dressed as priests, porn stars, Playboy bunnies, penguins, disco dancers, Egyptians, suicide bombers and superheroes, attended the Hyde St keg party in Dunedin today.
Today's Hyde St keg party will serve as a ''test case'', and if it gets out of hand the North Dunedin liquor ban could be back on the table, University of Otago vice-chancellor Prof Harlene Hayne says.
Emergency services, the University of Otago and the students' association (OUSA) have hailed Saturday's Hyde St keg party as a well-run event.
Those who think the University of Otago has gone too far in tackling problem drinking should study elsewhere, the chairwoman of a group tasked with improving the student drinking culture says.
Student Stacey Fletcher writes of Hyde St keg party 2013, the year of the tight restrictions.
Students gather for the annual Hyde St keg party on Saturday.
Dunedin has turned on a stunning day for the Hyde St Keg Party, and a good-natured crowd has caused few problems so far, police say.
OUSA president Francisco Hernandez talks about the 2013 Hyde Street Keg Party
Dozens of extra emergency services staff are on standby in Dunedin for today's Hyde St keg party.
Students in Hyde street are planning to stash friends in their flats overnight after new rules restricted numbers at the annual keg party.
The Otago University Students' Association has settled on a range of measures to make this year's Hyde St keg party safer, including a ''one-way'' policy from as early as 2pm.
The number of revellers at the annual Hyde St keg party is about to be curtailed, as stakeholders try to minimise the impact of the all-day street party.
Hyde St tenants will meet other keg party stakeholders today to further discuss plans for this year's party.
The enforcement of any North Dunedin liquor ban would undo the ever-increasing good relationship between police and students, writes Otago University Students' Association president Logan Edgar.