Young players impress squad

Photo by Hamish MacLean.
Photo by Hamish MacLean.

It looked like Otago's number one year 7-8 Rippa rugby team members might have met their match yesterday when the Otago Rugby Football Club came to Balclutha Primary School to take them on, but in a ''next try wins'' situation the children toppled the Otago reps.

Kaitangata-raised Otago loose forward Lee Allan said he was impressed by the play of the young Balclutha squad.

''They're pretty good,'' he said.

''South Otago's always been pretty strong in rugby and Rippa rugby - it's good to see it's still going strong.''

He said the reception the players had received from the communities in Owaka and Balclutha during this week's team-building exercises in South Otago had been ''awesome''.

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