Sam Cane apologises for kicking pitch invader

Sam Cane, pictured posing with the trophy after the All Blacks 41-12 win over Argentina, wrote...
Sam Cane, pictured posing with the trophy after the All Blacks 41-12 win over Argentina, wrote that he felt awful and is deeply disappointed in himself. Photo: Getty Images
All Blacks captain Sam Cane has apologised on social media after being caught on camera kicking a pitch invader.

The incident occurred after the All Blacks 41-12 win over Argentina in Mendoza earlier today (local time).

Footage has emerged of a fan running onto the field and past the All Blacks team huddle while being chased by security.

It showed Cane intervening by kicking the invading fan which sent him to the ground.

The person got up straight after, and continued running.

Cane's apology was posted on Instagram. Photo: screenshot
Cane's apology was posted on Instagram. Photo: screenshot
Cane has since apologised on Instagram.

"Tonight, after the game, I made an error in judgement, which was totally out of character for me, I am really sorry."

Cane wrote that he felt awful and is deeply disappointed in himself.

"I am trying really hard to make contact with the person involved to apologise for my actions and make things right. I acknowledge this was not my role and it is out of character of me to act in such a way."