Maniototo locked the prestigious White Horse Cup away for another year with a 33-19 win over Alexandra last weekend.
It got its name on the cup in 2014 with a successful challenge over Wakatipu in the final round-robin match last year after a two-year hiatus as holder.
This year, the Ranfurly-based side mounted seven successful defences in a season in which, heading into the final round-robin match, it remains unbeaten.
Maniototo captain Quinton Smith said there was plenty of pressure when a side held the White Horse Cup.
''The games where you are defending it are that much harder,'' Smith said.
''It's like a monkey off your back [defending it for the final time].
''I'm relieved that we've got it locked up.''
Smith said there was much emphasis on the White Horse Cup in the competition and it was important to have it in the Maniototo trophy cabinet.
''There's a lot of tradition that goes with the cup. The tradition with it is still very much strong and proud."
Regarding the unbeaten run this season, Smith said that although Maniototo had lost about 10 players from last season, the club was successful because it had ''a good base''.
''There seems to be always young shepherds and that showing up, and Charlie and Andrew [Hore] are big in the club and they are good with the young [players],'' he said.
''It's good for the young guys showing up to play with them.''
Smith said the way the team approached games was another big factor in the success.
''We set out with a goal in mind and set targets for ourselves all the way through.
''We try and play a reasonably structured game.''
Maniototo plays Upper Clutha in Wanaka tomorrow in the final game of the round robin.