East Otago Kaupapa Maori Festival

About 500 pupils of schools from Palmerston to Purakaunui attended.
About 500 pupils of schools from Palmerston to Purakaunui attended.
Nickalous Paul (3) of Waikouaiti, (centre) leads children of Big Steps Educare and Waikouaiti...
Nickalous Paul (3) of Waikouaiti, (centre) leads children of Big Steps Educare and Waikouaiti Playcentre combined group in the waiata 'Morena Tamariki Ma'.
Karitane School pupils perform a haka.
Karitane School pupils perform a haka.
Macraes-Moonlight and Flag Swamp combined schools' group performs the poi waiata 'E rere taku poi'.
Macraes-Moonlight and Flag Swamp combined schools' group performs the poi waiata 'E rere taku poi'.
Palmerston Primary School performs the waiata ti rakau 'E Papa Waiari'.
Palmerston Primary School performs the waiata ti rakau 'E Papa Waiari'.
Maihi Douglas (16), of Palmerson, leads East Otago High School pupils in the haka 'E tu ana matou'.
Maihi Douglas (16), of Palmerson, leads East Otago High School pupils in the haka 'E tu ana matou'.
Pirihimana Stefan Witehira, of Palmerston police, with prizewinner Jack Wilson (9), of Palmerston...
Pirihimana Stefan Witehira, of Palmerston police, with prizewinner Jack Wilson (9), of Palmerston Primary School.
Tama McNamara (5) of Long Beach plays Piwakawaka in Purakanui School's play 'Nga Manu'.
Tama McNamara (5) of Long Beach plays Piwakawaka in Purakanui School's play 'Nga Manu'.
Waikouaiti School performs the haka 'Utaina'.
Waikouaiti School performs the haka 'Utaina'.
Devon Familton (10) of Omimi leads Warrington School in the poi song 'Pūrerehua'.
Devon Familton (10) of Omimi leads Warrington School in the poi song 'Pūrerehua'.
School representatives receive their schools' participation certificates.
School representatives receive their schools' participation certificates.

Scenes from the East Otago Kaupapa Maori Festival, held at the East Otago Events Centre in Waikouaiti on Tuesday. Photos by Blueskin News, prints available from otagoimages.co.nz.


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