Girls key component of unbeaten team

The Pirates year 7 rugby team at Hancock Park yesterday (front from left) Lily Gordon, True...
The Pirates year 7 rugby team at Hancock Park yesterday (front from left) Lily Gordon, True Ferguson, Josephine Charpentier, Kahu Russell-Johnson, Ngawai Sullivan, Mackenzie Scott, Annabelle Stewart, Dinera Jardin (back from left) Cruz Hinson, Noah McFarlane, Tawhiri Fowler, Moses Sarkies, Conan Tabb, Bodhi Clark, Lucas Kramers, Olly Rangi, Roman Thomas-Bennetts, Ofa Kilikiti. Absent is Mya Flanders. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH
Do not tell the Pirates year 7 rugby team that the girls cannot mix it with the boys.

It is not just one or two, either.

Nine girls — in a squad of 20 — will line up for the unbeaten team in tomorrow’s final against Eastern, which it drew with 33-33 earlier in the season.

Not only is Pirates unbeaten this year but it is three years since the team’s last loss.

Coach Mike Tabb said "four or five" of the girls had been there since they were very young, and they had attracted a few more since.

"I think if we had one or two girls, they might have drifted away," he said.

"But because there’s a big group of them, they’ve stuck together. We’ve mixed and matched, some from here and some from there."

He said while there were some exceptional boys in the team, the girls all made strong contributions — three or four being exceptional players themselves.

There was a range of playing positions in the group and, while often smaller, they made up for that with technique.

"Right from when we got into tackle, we taught them to clear rucks and bridge and secure the ball.

"They’ve got such good body position that even the bigger guys will come into a ruck and they’re like, ‘I’ve got to move that player.’

"They’re locked in over the ball and it just takes that little bit of extra time. They all contribute.

"They all go straight in over the ball and secure the ball for us. The opposition can move them because they’re physically smaller, but they’ve got to work that out and, by that stage, they’ve got support there."

He added the most pleasing thing was the team’s culture.

"They’re all just such neat kids. Work hard, play hard, they’ve got good values and do it the right way.

"They’re a pleasure to coach and the parents are all pretty good as well."