Positions played: Front row
Date of birth: November 26, 1993
School: Otago Boys High School
Occupation: Carpenter
First played premier rugby: 18
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: League, touch
Most admired player: Sneak

Positions played: 6,7,8
Date of birth: March 10, 1987
School: Kings College
Occupation: Social worker
First played premier rugby: 2013
Rep teams: Auckland East, Rollermills, 1st XVs
Other sports played: -
Most admired player: Jerry Collins

Positions played: 9,10,12
Date of birth: June 21, 1993
School: Dunstan
Occupation: Labourer
First played premier rugby: 2012
Rep teams: Otago age grades

Positions played: Flanker
Date of birth: July 23, 1993
School: Southland Boys High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2012
Rep teams: Southland 48s
Other sports played: Rowing
Most admired player: John Hardie

Positions played: 9
Date of birth: July 17, 1993
School: Kings High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2013
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Touch
Most admired player: Tom Doc

Positions played: Prop
Date of birth: December 5, 1984
School: Otago Boys High School
First played premier rugby: 2009
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Hunting
Most admired player: Carl Hayman

Positions played:10/15
Date of birth: March 18, 1989
School: Waitaki Boys High School
Occupation: Pianist
First played premier rugby: 2007
Rep teams: Otago
Other sports played: Basketball
Most admired player: Benos Pereira

Positions played: Half/10
Date of birth: May 1, 1988
School: Kings High School
First played premier rugby: 2006
Rep teams: South Otago u35kg
Other sports played: Badminton
Most admired player: Matthew Kissick

Positions played: Utility
Date of birth: October 16, 1990
School: Kapiti College
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2012
Rep teams: H-K age group and sevens
Other sports played:Basketball, touch, league
Most admired player: Loki McRae

Positions played: 7
Date of birth: April 3, 1992
School: Southland Boys High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: -
Rep teams: Southland
Other sports played: League
Most admired player: Michael Jones

Positions played: 4,5
Date of birth: August 20, 1990
School: Saint Kentergin College
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2013
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: -
Most admired player: Brad Thorn

Positions played: Lock
Date of birth: June 15, 1989
School: Tararua College
Occupation: Commercial insurance underwriter
First played premier rugby: 2012
Rep teams: Wairarapa-Bush u18, Tararua Academy
Other sports played: Tennis
Most admired player: Jerome Kaino

Positions played: 6,7,8
Date of birth: February 10, 1994
School: Kings High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2013
Rep teams: Otago u18 (2012)
Other sports played: Touch
Most admired player: Liam Messam

Positions played: 1,3
Date of birth: August 9, 1991
School: St Kevins College
Occupation: Freezing worker
First played premier rugby: 2011
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Black Ops
Most admired player: Ben Tameifuna

Positions played: Fullback, utility back
Date of birth:May 8, 1991
School: Wairarapa College
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2012
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Mini-golf
Most admired player:James Stevenson-Wright

Positions played: Midfield
Date of birth: February 20, 1991
School: Waitaki Boys High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2010
Rep teams: Otago u19
Other sports played: -
Most admired player:Chris Guild

Positions played: Hooker, prop
Date of birth: March 25, 1994
School: Otago Polytechnic
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2013
Rep teams: Otago Country 18s
Other sports played: Touch
Most admired player: Doc

Positions played: Wing
Date of birth: September 10, 1989
School: Otago Boys High School
Occupation: Maori warden
First played premier rugby: 2011
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: -
Most admired player: Peter 'Pistol" Breen

Positions played: Hooker, prop, wing
Date of birth:August 17, 1988
School: Otago Boys High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2008
Rep teams: 18s, 21s
Other sports played: Cricket
Most admired player:Dane Maraki, Karne Hesketh, Matt Kissick

Positions played: Fullback, wing
Date of birth: June 29, 1995
School: Bay of Islands College
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: -
Rep teams: Northland 13s -18s, Northland 7s squad (2013)
Other sports played: Touch, league, sevens
Most admired player: Gillies Kaka

Positions played: Winger
Date of birth: December 1, 1990
School: Wesley College
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2010
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Wrestling
Most admired player: C.G

Positions played: 4,5,6
Date of birth: July 25, 1990
School: St Peter's College, Auckland
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: -
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Soccer
Most admired player:Juan Smith

Positions played: 11,13
Date of birth: March 22, 1994
School: Gore High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: -
Rep teams: Southland u14, u16, u18
Other sports played: Squash, Touch, hockey, tennis, netball, volleyball
Most admired player: Corey Jane

Positions played: Lock, No 8
Date of birth: June 4, 1987
School: Otago Boys High School
Occupation: Advertising sales consultant
First played premier rugby: 2010
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: League
Most admired player: Liam Coltman

Positions played: Lock
Date of birth: May 25, 1991
School: Rotorua Boys High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2011
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: -
Most admired player:Colin Meads

Positions played: 7
Date of birth: June 22, 1993
School: Christchurch Boys High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2013
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: -
Most admired player: Jeremy McKee

Positions played: 7,6,2
Date of birth: December 28, 1988
School: Kavanagh College
Occupation: Builder
First played premier rugby: 2012
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Cricket
Most admired player: Chris Guild

Positions played: First 5, fullback, centre
Date of birth: September 11, 1994
School: Hamilton Boys High School
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: Blues, 16 years old
Rep teams: League (NZ u16, u18), Touch (NZ u16, u18), MS??? Development
Other sports played: League, touch
Most admired player: Tim Nanai Williams, Sonny Bill Williams

Positions played: 12,13
Date of birth: February 11, 1990
School: Mahurangi College
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2012
Rep teams: -
Other sports played: Tennis, basketball, touch
Most admired player: Stormin' Norman

Positions played: 1,2,3
Date of birth: September 16, 1992
School: Waimea College
Occupation: Student
First played premier rugby: 2013
Rep teams: Nelson Bays u13 to u18
Other sports played: Basketball, kayaking
Most admired player: Richie